
本の感想:フィリピンのくらし(ポプラ社) Book review: Life in Philipine (for children)

I borrow a book that is for children, "a life in Philipine", at a library. The majority of tutors in the online English school I belong to are Philipinoes, so I have been getting interested in the country. This book was very easy to read as it's made for children, and a lot of pictures pleased my eyes.

You can see Philipino children on the above picture.  The girl on the left picture is reading a textbook, studying while looking after her parent's stall. Can't she go to the school because of her duty? I feel embarrassed to lead an easy life in convenient Japan.
I'll do my best to make contribution to society, making use of English skill which I've studied so far.

There are many other the same series from this publisher. But what made me feel disappointed was that there books were biased to masochistic view of history. I suppose if Japanese children read these books, they might not be proud to their ancestors.

[ masochistic view of history is to emphasize the negative aspect of postwar history and to underestimate the positive side, smearing Japan. It was majority in historical studies of Japan after Pacific War. ]

I also read "Life in Turkish" of the same series but I found no expectations about why Turkey had been kind to become a Pro-Japanese country in the book.

To tell you the truth, even I had believed that His Majesty the Emperor was just like a king, who led a easy life, not having to work. It was a tragidy that there were none who taught me about Japanese Emperor in serious.

The Free Democratic Party won an overwhelming victory in the Upper house Election this July. I think it's the time Japanese mass-media were able to realize the people's distrust to them.

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